Friday, February 13, 2015


   I planted daffodils the other day. It’s late in the season—almost too late, really. But the ground had thawed and the sun was warm and I needed to believe that those papery brown lumps could somehow transform into sunny yellow harbingers of spring. So I planted them and hoped for the best.

   It’s best to plant daffodils in late fall, once the ground has cooled from summer but before winter freezes it solid. Sometimes though, life can be so busy you never find the time to go outside, sit back on your heels and dig into the good earth.

To plant a garden is an act of faith. To plant daffodils this late in the winter may be more an act of foolhardiness but I don’t care. Sometimes, all you can do is the best you can and let nature take care of the rest. So I planted my daffodils and I’m waiting for spring. I have faith that new growth will come.

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