Monday, November 26, 2018

T-Day Week Round Up

We seem to have had a good mix of weather lately; enough sun to keep spirits up, to encourage those end of season chores that I often leave until too late: namely, digging my dahlias. Full disclosure: I have yet to do it. 
But I plan to. 
Probably soon.

We have also had enough rain to end the fire danger locally and soften the fallen leaves. I firmly believe soft, silent leaves are a key element to hunter success, and it seems to have been a successful season. In my neighborhood alone, we are two fewer elk to the good, and I have the flesh of my enemy--neatly packaged in my freezer, awaiting future feasting--to prove it.

Getting our Pre-Season on
Speaking of leaves, I’m pleasantly surprised by how many trees are hanging on to their color this late in the season. The leaves are not as thick as they were at the beginning of the season, but the ones that remain seem to add more texture to the landscape, appearing more as polka dots of color instead of a solid mass of color; less being more as we head into pre-winter.

 Thanksgiving is this week, and in my humble opinion, should mark the official end of Fall. We gather, we give thanks, we enjoy company of friends and family, we feast, we watch football and most of all—no matter how dark our year may have been—we find a way to be grateful for the light we have.
For the Sume Family, this year has been a good one, our blessings have been major, our troubles only little ones. John Shane Sume joined our family this summer, and as I suspected—he’s a genius. Only three months old and the boy is a spit bubble-blowing champion. I’m very proud. I believe he gets that from me.

Beth and Cameron

Our family has grown: a new baby, a new Beloved, and a new puppy. Time with those we love, fewer elk, an upcoming feast, plans to install my own zappy fence, and some sun to balance the rain.
 Life? It’s good.
Millie and Devin
Pies by Cameron
Tree Hunting


  1. I love you Sue! Your expressive writing, Your wit and humor are buoyant on this dark day❤
    Lol at the spit bubble blowing champ photo...adorable...I'm sure he gets it from you ! :-)

  2. I love you Sue...Your expressive writing is filled with wit and humor and perspective that I appreciate...thank you for sharing your gifts! Lol at the spit bubble blowing champ photo...adorable...I'm sure he gets it from you!
