Friday, October 2, 2020

Because Happiness Is the Truth: Pony Edition

 I know what you’re thinking: with all that’s going on these days, she’s going to complain about Weather Whiplash again. And you are --kinda, sorta-- right. While also being wrong. Welcome to 2020.

There is a lot going on, and the weather has not been the least of it. We’ve had drought and smoke. We’ve had fires “next door.” Then the rains came—and like all good Pacific Northwesterners, we greeted its return.

 Three days later, it was hard to believe that imminent conflagration had ever been a concern. Also, could it stop already; and who forgot to turn the winds down to low, because I’m getting really tired of retrieving my canopied porch swing out of the daylilies. 

Now my phone’s weather app is insisting that the weather is going back to sunshine for the foreseeable future. I’m planning on a glorious autumn, while simultaneously trying to figure out how to effectively bargain with Mother Nature to keep snow out of my driveway this winter. Because el Nino/la Nina—whichever one it is that dumps snow in my driveway--has been forecasted to close out 2020. Based on my previous experiences with 2020, I tend to believe this will not be a lot of fun.

Still—even in the midst of all that I could—and often DO—complain about? 2020 has seen some incredible blessings. Not the least of which is the birth of my Grand Aiden, and the marriage of Cam to his beloved Beth. I’ve developed closer bonds with my neighbors; my pumpkin vines didn’t actually impede traffic. I’ve appreciated the small, daily blessings that often go unnoticed—Look! An actual LETTER! In the MAIL! I’ve witnessed random acts of kindness, made new friends. (I know! During a pandemic! But it’s true.)

My wish for all of us, as we head into the last flurry and fury of 2020, is that we are like that optimistic little boy who, when confronted with a room full of horse dung, gleefully said “Thank you, Universe! There must be a pony in here someplace!”

Here’s hoping you find your pony. 


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