Friday, June 3, 2022

Goodbye MayVember

 Goodbye to May—which at times seemed more reminiscent of November than of May—and hello June! Goodbye to hail, sleet, and snow—-although to be fair I don’t remember if we actually had sleet/snow in May, but boy, it sure felt like we did.

I finally planted my flowerpots on the 25th of May---the latest ever. Now I am free to battle the slugs for my plants and lament my petunia choices every time it rains. In other words—-business as usual.


I have twice relocated my garage toad to the front flower bed. I can’t imagine why he wouldn’t want to live in his little clay Toad House, surrounded by flowers, but apparently he derives some perverse pleasure out of appearing unexpectedly indoors. Yes, that screeching noise came from me.

Garage Toad

Garden Toad


My straw bale garden is busily composting away. I have yet to plant any peas, carrots, beans, or anything by seed. My tomato starts are cozily tucked into the bales, and the pepper plants that have survived the slugs are starting to look like they might recover. I don’t have to plant any cilantro or dill as they have both self-propagated—the cilantro at a prolific, nearly noxious-weed rate. This year I have one pumpkin plant—so far—so the neighborhood should be relatively safe. I only planted one hill of zucchini. Time will tell if I can keep the number of drive-by veggie drops to a minimum.


As is my way, I have started a new project—before completing my last project. One of my garden sheds from last year is still without its roofing shingles, but I didn’t let that stop me from ordering two loads of cedar chips from Packwood Prospecting and putting in a play area for the grandkids—the landscaping of which will probably be completed in three to five years, or 18 new projects later, whichever comes first.

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