Friday, August 1, 2014


     We interrupt your normally scheduled Elk Complaint Fest to bring you this urgent Public Service Announcement: WARNING! Zucchini Season has now commenced in Lewis County. All residents that do not normally lock their homes and cars are urged to do so.

     I have my own addendum: make sure all of your car’s windows are tightly closed,  lest your gardening friends be unable to resist the temptation of the open widow and stealthily slide an entire bag of zucchini, piece by piece, through the opening and into your backseat. I have no proof as to the identity of the miscreant, but I’m pretty sure his initials are Tim Kelly.
     Knowing that zucchini season is now upon us, I took some time perusing the internet, looking for some zucchini recipes that didn’t end in “bread” --although one called “Chocolate Zucchini Bread” did look rather tempting. There were recipes for –and you should insert the word “zucchini” in front of each of these and save me from the risk of carpal tunnel for typing it each time—Parmesan Fritters, Chicken Quesadillas,  and a Cobbler.  Pinterest has pictures of zucchinis stuffed with sausage, or wrapped with bacon, or grilled and turned into crust for pizza. There was a lovely Cucumber and Zucchini Carpaccio that I would like to try, and I don’t even know what a “Carpaccio” is.
     Garrison Keillor was the first to alert the nation to this quiet gourd threat and we owe him a debt we cannot repay. Except, maybe, in an abundance of summer squash? I’ll see if I can locate his mailing address. In the meantime, feel free to email  your favorite zucchini recipe to me ( or leave it in the comments section of this blog.
Next week: back to “Sue Gets Even”   



  1. I recently found a mysterious zucchini recipe titled "Zucchini Chicken Poppers". I though it was going to refer to a hot pepper. But NO! So I will email you the recipe and you can decide if your viewers like very adjustable "Zucchini-Ground Chicken" baked or fried "balls" with whatever level of spiciness they desire. Love your column.

    1. Maybug
      Your post has my inner 12 year old self giggling...

      Yes! Send the recipe and let the people decide. And thank you for your kind words.
