Friday, January 8, 2016

To Do List

A Garden Gate post. 
For Christmas. 
Write one. 
And while you’re at it, write a Christmas letter for all your friends and family...


No Problem. 
Words are my thing.

Honesty is also kind of my thing so therein lies the challenge. 

Since it’s Christmas, I feel the pressure to be all HO HO HO; full of Hope---which I am, and Good Cheer--which I feel kind of “eh” about. Not that I’m ANTI-Good Cheer mind you, just that my experience with it kind of comes and goes. I don’t feel like I can write a post all full of hot chocolate, candy canes and silver bells when I’m just not feeling it.

I have yet to buy a single present, wrap a single gift, or bake any Christmas goodies. My Christmas decorating is “lite” to say the least.

My tree spent the first week of its life as a Christmas tree abandoned on the back deck, listing
drunkenly in a wobbly stand that was six sizes too big. I refused to bring the poor thing in the house and it stayed outside during the worst of the wind and rain during the recent flood, repeatedly being blown over until I finally got tired of picking it up out of the mud and drug it inside...

I’ve put up my Christmas tree; not only have I put my Christmas tree up, I’ve decorated it. True, I didn’t use any of the traditional, emotionally loaded ornaments---but it is decorated.  And I’ve found that not only do I like it and think it’s beautiful, it makes me happy to look at it. That’s right, I said the “H” word, happy. I am happy when I look at my tree. Huh. Who knew?

As far as I’m concerned, that’s a Christmas miracle in its self.

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