Friday, December 1, 2017

Count Down to Christmas

Christmas is a long, long ways away. It’s barely even December. That is my fervent belief: long ways away, plenty of time, no worry—no hurry. I’ve been known to feel that way right up until around the 20th of the December when a quiet little sense of foreboding might begin to gnaw away at my complacency. I like to call it complacency, instead of general slothfulness. Words matter, people!

Where was I? Oh right, complacent. Peaceful, if you will. Spirit of the Season, really. I know there are people out there who claim to have finished their Christmas shopping by mid-July but secretly, in my heart of hearts, I never really believe them. And, let’s be honest here—If they really DID finish all their shopping—where are they keeping all the gifts? And—more importantly—will they be able to remember where that is when Christmas finally rolls around FIVE MONTHS LATER? I say nay.

And since I’m being honest, I’ll let you in on a little secret: I hate shopping for gifts.

It’s true. I like GIVING gifts, I like receiving gifts, I just hate figuring out what to GET people. Oh, occasionally—say once every five years or so---I’ll be inspired and come up with the PERFECT gift for someone. I’m so pleased with the perfection of this thoughtful, well-chosen gift that I feel as though I should be exempted from gift giving to this person for the next five years. “Remember three years ago when I gave you that Perfect Thing? That was awesome, wasn’t it? So glad we have these memories to look back on. Good times, good times.”

I hate it when I lack inspiration for a gift that matches just how much I love someone. I hate it when I feel like my gift giving is reduced to Just Buying You Some Stuff. And Things. That You Now Have to Dust. Merry Christmas!

So, if I don’t get you anything—again—this year, just remember this: it’s the thought that counts. Truly. And I thought you’d like to have less Stuff to dust. 

You’re welcome.

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