Friday, July 27, 2018

Fence: Phase One Point Six

Phase 1.6 of Sue’s Fence Building Quest is officially complete!

“Which phase is 1.6 again,” I hear you asking yourself, “Is that the phase where she complains all the time?”

Answer: No, complaining all the time is delightfully suffused throughout the entirety of the fence timeline. While it may be predominant in a particular phase, it will not be limited to a specific phase, no worries. There will be enough complaining to go around. A complaint in every post!

A quick recap of the stages then, for you who may have joined us late: 1.0 ELK; 1.1 Complain. 1.2 Look for local fence builder and fail. 1.3 Google “Fence/ELC/Elk/Seriously/I need a Fence” with zero results. 1.4 Turn down Gig Harbor company’s offer to build a fence all for the low, low cost of one of my kidneys. 1.5 Tree removal, which had many sub-phases, including branch clean up and buying a splitting maul. Finding a strong young man to wield it turned out to be easier than I thought. My kids and their friends showed up for Memorial weekend and I had beer and food. Easy, peasy, DONE.

Which brings us to 1.6: Clearing a path through a tangle of brushy-brush, slash and—apparently—a gigantic black hornet’s nest. A piece of heavy equipment was called for and I knew who to call. For purposes of this narrative, I’m going to refer to him as “A Nice Man” because I know it’ll get his goat. I’m sure he’d prefer to be referred to as “A Bad Hombre” or “Mr. Tough as Nails” but I’m going to stick with “A Nice Man.” 
Mr. Nice Man made short work of the brush, and slash, and pretended not to judge me for my White Trash Pile of hidden old lawn furniture I had stashed in the woods during the pre-wedding prep and promptly forgotten about. And he was not intimidated by no stinkin’ wasps. Or hornets, killer bees, whatever they were. “Were” is the operative word.

I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up—but perhaps, just perhaps, I’m ready for Phase Two.

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