Friday, September 10, 2021

1001 Zucchini

 What do you do with 1,001 zucchinis? The following is a partial list of the strategies I, personally, have employed.

1) Zucchini bread

2) Zucchini cookies.

3) You can slice it.

4) You can dice it.

5) You can fry it in a pan

6) You can hide it in your flan.

7) You can use it for filler in almost any recipe.

8) You can bring zucchinis to work and guilt your co-workers into taking them.

9) Play ding-dong-ditch with your neighbors.

10) Hit up your Facebook friends, friends of friends, acquaintances, and anybody that hasn’t already had the good sense to block you and offer them zucchini.

11) Deliver said zucchini to anyone who didn’t outright say they hate zucchini—even if they aren’t home. (See number nine above.) 

12) Poke them thru any car window carelessly left 4-6” open. Honestly, people have only themselves to blame. It’s zucchini season after all! An open car window is the same a leaving a sign on your car, saying “Please deposit zucchini here.”

13) Post pictures of amazing food that your sweetie has made for you that include zucchini.


Yummmmm...See # 19 for ingredients list

14) Rave on and on about how GOOD, and NUTRITIOUS, and LOW CARB, GLUTEN FREE, FREE RANGE and CRUELTY FREE zucchinis are.

15) Daydream about an early frost.

16) Think about the random woman in a hair salon in Portland who claimed she pulled her zucchini plants up already. Imagine being that bold.

17) Decide she was probably a liar.

18) Buy a noodler on Amazon.

Zucchini "Noodles"

19) Did I already mention that we turned our giant zucchini into noodles and served them with butter sautéed garlic, sun-dried tomatoes, green onion, smoked salmon, shrimp, salt & pepper? Add a dollop of sour cream before serving, stir it in and top with halved cherry tomatoes---we might have an over-abundance of tomatoes as well—I promise you won’t even notice the lack of noodley carbs.

20) Write about zucchini and hope somebody reads this and mounts a midnight raid on your zucchini patch... `

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