Friday, February 25, 2022

Recount Requested

 My snow drops are up, and in full flower—the first flower of Spring at my house.

 My Jiffy Pots have been plumped and hydrated--- 

ready for the corn and bean and peas seeds that are putting in their 24 hours at the veggie seed spa that is my kitchen table.


I have made a plan to acquire my straw bales and start the “seasoning” process. I am ready for Spring. Let’s DO THIS THING!

Then I woke up to a mini blizzard on Monday. That’s right—snow.

It was my understanding that we were all on the “been there, done that, over it,” page. Did I miss a meeting? Is the consensus that we go back to colder temperatures and shoveling driveways and power outages? Because I don’t remember voting for this. 

Annie & Abby vote 
"Can haz Spring please."

I have lots of gardening chores that are still on my To Do List: giving my private hedge a high and tight haircut is near the top and I’d prefer not to do it in the snow. I’d appreciate it if ya’ll would join me in some magical thinking and get winter behind us.

Even the Indian Plums are ready...

1 comment:

  1. Decided to check up on you. Glad to hear you have had success with straw bale gardening Wishing you well.
