We live
in interesting times, that’s for sure. As we head towards November, two Big
Important Issues are weighing heavily on nearly everyone’s minds---it was THREE
Big Important Issues but the recent frost has ended one of the reasons I was
lying awake at night, unable to sleep. The change in weather has mercifully put
an end to Zucchini Season, and I no longer have to sleep with one eye open,
ever vigilant against pranksters dumping wheelbarrow loads of zucchini on my
front steps.
Now we
are down to two Big Important Issues: Hunting Season and the Presidential
Elections. You might be asking yourself what these two, seemingly unrelated,
events both have in common. I noticed that as each draws closer the tension
surrounding the participants ramps up---Buck Fever, Ballot Fervor---both tend
to put a crazy gleam in the eye, cause one to talk excessively about treasured
beliefs that often have no basis in fact, say things that are obviously gross
exaggerations and generally just be obnoxious as all get out. And that’s just
Buck (or Bull) Fever. Ballot Fervor can be even worse.
Fervor seems to be generating a lot of fear this year. Everywhere I
look---well, just Facebook actually, gotta fact check myself here--- I see
people in the grip of fear. And I have to remind myself that “perfect love
casts out all fear.”
I believe in the GOODNESS of people. I REFUSE to give into fear. Regardless of the outcome of the
election---I believe in America, in my fellow Americans, and my neighbors...I
believe that Love is stronger than hate, that people can hold a different
opinion from mine, and "still be good people", that fear should not
rule or divide us.
No matter what, we are Americans---more importantly we
are all humans. We WILL work
together, because the ties that bond us together are GREATER than those that
separate us. “...And the Greatest of these is Love.”
So to those of you with Ballot Fervor, I wish you
Perfect Peace.
To those of you with Buck Fever, I wish for you Perfect Aim.
Lots and lots of gravy.
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