Monday, November 28, 2016

Brought to You by the Letter F

It’s Thanksgiving week---that traditional time of year when we gather together and give thanks for the many blessings in our lives. Facebook has been full of folks listing their blessings over the last month; a daily roster of gratitude and it’s been fun to read their ongoing lists. At the Sume house we usually go with the Big Four; family, friends, football and food.

I am also thankful for punctuation. It’s not often you get to write back to back sentences that both use the semi-colon and I am not advocating that you try this at home. But just in case I may have once, accidently, bet someone I could do it---well, there you have it. Consecutive Use of the Semi-colon in a Non-Academic Setting. That’ll be five bucks.

Where was I? Oh yes, the Big Four.

This year Sume Family Thanksgiving will be on Friday—also a Favorite F word—and will include my best friend from high school, who has agreed to take time off from working on that World Peace Thing to come celebrate with us. For those of you that fear your hard earned tax dollars are all being wasted or misspent in the Other Washington, let me assure you that the program she helps implement is one we can all take pride in supporting. It is very much along the lines of teaching people to fish rather than just handing out free fish.

Football is always a big part of our Thanksgiving ritual--although I think this year any game would be a little anti-climactic after last week’s Seahawks victory. That game had a little bit of everyone’s favorites; long rushes, impressive defense, some Jimmy Graham, a little Baldwin...a quarterback that looked more like the DangeRuss guy we know and love, who can not only scramble and throw a TD pass but is capable of catching one as well!
Family, friends and football...Which brings us, finally, to food. As I sit down to enjoy our feast---right before I usually get back up to add just a wee bit more gravy—I’m taking a moment to reflect, to rejoice and to remember those less fortunate. If, like me, you’ve forgotten to give to your local food bank before this holiday, it’s not too late. Donations after Thanksgiving are also needed.

I know what I can do with that extra five bucks...

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